Conditionals - Умовні речення


0 – Physics or Cause-Effect

If [Present], [Present]

If we heat water, it boils.

If you press the button, the light comes on.

1 – Future

If [Present], [Future]

If the weather is fine, we will go to a park.

2 – Hypothesis – Present (General Things)

If [Past Simple], [would + V1]

If you studied harder, you would have better marks.


3 – Real Past events

If [Past Perfect], [would + have + V3]

If I had left the house on time yesterday, I would not have missed the train.

(I regret that I left the house late and, thus, missed the train).

Mixed Conditionals

                                               [Present]             [Present]

Hypothesis                 If [Past Simple],             [would + V1]

                                             [Past]                        [Past]

Real Past events       If [Past Perfect], [would + have + V3]

Mixed                                          [Present] + [Past]

                                  If [Past Simple],  [would + have + V3]

                                                    [Past] + [Present]

                                  If [Past Perfect], [would + V1]

Mixed Conditionals are made from parts of Conditional 2 (Hypothesis – assumptions related to Present) and Conditional 3 (real actions in the past) to describe the following situations:

Past result with Present (ongoing) condition – [would have +V3] if [Past Simple]

I would not have missed the train yesterday if I were a more organized person.

If I were a more organized person, I would not have missed the train yesterday.

Present result with Past (ceased) condition – [would V1] if [Past Perfect]

I would do better these days if I had not left the company 10 years ago.

If I had not left the company 10 years ago, I would do better these days.